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Soursop, also known as Guanabana or scientifically know n as Annona Muricata is native to tropical regions of the Americas and the Caribbean. Soursop is part of the custard apple family, that means it's related to the Sugar Apple, Bull's heart, Cherimoya, and Rollinia

The fragrance and flavor of this delicious fruit is anything but sour; it is a little tart yet extremely sweet. Most compared to a flavor combination of pineapples, bananas and oranges- or some say papaya with a hint of lemon. Whichever flavor you think it might taste like, it’s still as tasty as ever!

This fruit is high in Vitamin C, B! and B2. The Vitamin C in this fruit may help stimulate the production of white cells while the concentration of antioxidants may help neutralize free radicals in the body. 

We have made this fruit into a delicious healthy juice for you to enjoy – so drink up!!

Ingredients: juice from soursop fruit, key Lime, coconut water, sea moss (if requested), dash of nutmeg, and a hint of agave (if desired).


No Preservatives, No Artificial Flavors, No Additives, No Caffeine. No sugar added.


    SIZE: 12oz

    Suggested use: Once delivered, refrigerate and consuming daily or freeze and defrost until ready to consume in order to preserve freshness.

    Note: Ok to consume entire bottle in one day provided thyroid levels are normal. Please consult with your Dr.  before doing so.




    *Results from this product may vary from person to person. Please do not use this product when pregnant or breastfeeding . You should consult a physician before using this product or any herbs. The statements on this package have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illnesses.